Understanding Skin Aging Process
Aging of the skin is an inevitable part of the aging process. Age-related changes in the skin
are the results of intrinsic factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, personal habits and a continuous
environmental damage, predominantly due to ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for
skin’s photo-aging, as well as toxins and heavy metals that are causing a damage to the skin.
The facial aging is associated with facial skin volume loss, reduction of the elasticity, moistness
and thickness, appearance of wrinkles and folds, pigmented spots, lentigos, and keratosis.
Histological changes include thinning of epidermis, attening of epidermal-dermal interface,
reduction and disorganization of collagen and elastin, slowdown of cell turnover, reduction of
melanocytes erratic melanocytic activity and the phenomenon of solar elastosis.
(Fisher GJ, Kang S, Varani J, et al. Mechanisms of photoaging and chronological skin aging. Arch. Dermatol. 2002;138: 1462–70.
Peres PS, Terra VA, Guarnier FA, Cecchini R, Cecchini AL. Photoaging and chronological aging prole: Understanding oxidation of the skin. J
Photochem Photobiol B. 2011;103(2):93–97.
Sjerobabski Masnec I, Poduje S. Photoaging. Coll. Antropol. 2008;32:177–80.
West MD. The cellular and molecular biology of skin aging. Arch Dermatol. 1994;130:87–95).
Synergistic Eect for Natural Regeneration
and Biorevitalization of the Skin.
Apart from the internal organic and systemic rejuvenation, facial revitalization is an essential part
of holistic rejuvenation. The ultimate goal of facial revitalization and rejuvenation is restoration
and maintenance of healthy and young-looking skin. The obtained eects include improvements
of skin elasticity, rmness, hydration, and pigmentation and are achieved by injection into the
supercial dermis of biocompatible and absorbable products. A number of clinical studies has
proven that main goal of the mesotherapy products are promoting the broblast activation,
stimulation of collagen and tropoelastin biosynthesis and increase of cell turnover.
(Iorizzo M, De Padova MP, Tosti A. Biorejuvenation: theory and practice. Clin Dermatol. 2008; 26:177–181
Tosti A, De Padova MP. Atlas of Mesotherapy in Skin Rejuvenation. London: Informa Healthcare; 2007
Galadari H, Al Faresi F. Mesotherapy. Skinmed 2011;9:342–3)