Inspired by
the wonders of
Swiss ultraltration
technology MF Plus
Nano Organo Peptides
modern tissue rejuvenating therapy with
powerful bioactive molecules, nutrients and
peptides for the great health of your skin
Mito Organelles
the groundbreaking innovation in organ
specific peptide therapy – fusion of traditional
cell therapy and mitochondrial medicine
Understanding Skin Aging Process
Aging of the skin is an inevitable part of the aging process. Age-related changes in the skin
are the results of intrinsic factors, such as genetics, lifestyle, personal habits and a continuous
environmental damage, predominantly due to ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for
skin’s photo-aging, as well as toxins and heavy metals that are causing a damage to the skin.
The facial aging is associated with facial skin volume loss, reduction of the elasticity, moistness
and thickness, appearance of wrinkles and folds, pigmented spots, lentigos, and keratosis.
Histological changes include thinning of epidermis, attening of epidermal-dermal interface,
reduction and disorganization of collagen and elastin, slowdown of cell turnover, reduction of
melanocytes erratic melanocytic activity and the phenomenon of solar elastosis.
(Fisher GJ, Kang S, Varani J, et al. Mechanisms of photoaging and chronological skin aging. Arch. Dermatol. 2002;138: 1462–70.
Peres PS, Terra VA, Guarnier FA, Cecchini R, Cecchini AL. Photoaging and chronological aging prole: Understanding oxidation of the skin. J
Photochem Photobiol B. 2011;103(2):93–97.
Sjerobabski Masnec I, Poduje S. Photoaging. Coll. Antropol. 2008;32:177–80.
West MD. The cellular and molecular biology of skin aging. Arch Dermatol. 1994;130:87–95).
Synergistic Eect for Natural Regeneration
and Biorevitalization of the Skin.
Apart from the internal organic and systemic rejuvenation, facial revitalization is an essential part
of holistic rejuvenation. The ultimate goal of facial revitalization and rejuvenation is restoration
and maintenance of healthy and young-looking skin. The obtained eects include improvements
of skin elasticity, rmness, hydration, and pigmentation and are achieved by injection into the
supercial dermis of biocompatible and absorbable products. A number of clinical studies has
proven that main goal of the mesotherapy products are promoting the broblast activation,
stimulation of collagen and tropoelastin biosynthesis and increase of cell turnover.
(Iorizzo M, De Padova MP, Tosti A. Biorejuvenation: theory and practice. Clin Dermatol. 2008; 26:177–181
Tosti A, De Padova MP. Atlas of Mesotherapy in Skin Rejuvenation. London: Informa Healthcare; 2007
Galadari H, Al Faresi F. Mesotherapy. Skinmed 2011;9:342–3)
Natural biological anti – aging system for skin at any age
Approved treatment protocol
No known side eects
Additive free
Low molecular weight for fast absorption and excellent tissue integration
Stability and total control throughout the treatment
Considered highly for their natural restorative function, aesthetic range of Nano Organo
Peptides and Mito Organelles currently comprise of few types of outstanding ingredients: skin,
mesenchyme, placental peptides (or in addition with collagen and elastin).
Mesenchyme (NOP and MO) – stretch marks, sagging skin, distinct eye bags, ne wrinkles and
deep wrinkles. Creates a lifting and lling eects.
Placenta devitalized skin, treatment of atrophic, hypertrophic and keloid scars, hair loss.
Revitalizing eect is due to increase of cell turn-over in the dermis via action of unique
combination of growth factors.
Skin (NOP and MO) – dehydrated and dry skin texture: pigmentation, dark spots and melasma.
Eectively removes pigmentations via modulation of melanocytic activity. Gives a youthful
vibrant appearance to the skin.
SPMC (Skin, Placenta, Mesenchyme, Collagen) prevention of skin aging, wrinkles and other
signs of skin aging, sagging and loose skin, pale skin.
SCE (Skin, Collagen, Elastin) – devitalized and sagging skin, dull – looking skin; skin after the
mechanical or chemical peel or laser resurfacing and recovery after these procedures.
SPMCE (MO and NOP) a complete multifactorial biological natural rejuvenation of skin.
Combines benecial eects of all other Changes in skin collagen types I, III, and VII and newly
synthesized collagen in the observed cohortproducts. A perfect product for the wholesome
facial revitalization.
How Does a Treatment Work?
Aesthetic biomolecular treatment is a non-surgical, warranting minimal recovery time, ensuring
prompt results and eective to cause one or more eects:
- normalization of skin color;
- decreasing production of melanin;
- increasing skin water content and hydration;
- normalization of cellular metabolism;
- improving adult stem cell proliferation;
- increasing collagen, elastin production;
- stimulation of angiogenesis;
- restoration of hair cycle and follicular development;
- prevention of apoptosis;
- increasing cell proliferation.
Mesotherapy: intradermal injections according to the protocol.
Topical: application with the dermaroller or topical application twice a day on cleansed face,
neck and/or aected area (if applied after facial treatment or dermabrasion the ecacy is higher)
Evaluation of outcomes after mesotherapy with SPMCE based on the 5-point scale (3
months post-treatment (Application of Cell Extracts from Skin, Placenta, Mesenchyme
with Collagen and Elastin in Aesthetic Dermatology and Skin Revitalization: Evaluation
of Outcomes in Cohort Study. American Journal Adv Drug Deliv; 2016: 4(5); 69-77.).
Changes in skin hydration, elasticity and melanin levels in observed patients before,
during and after the mesotherapy with SPMCE
With the pioneering invention of modern Swiss ultraltration technology NOP products are
now safe to be taken sublingually, applied topically, in form of injections or administered
parenterally by physicians as an individualized organotherapy or as an aesthetic cosmetic
application. Depending on the skin problem, the doctor will select the most suitable product
among the NOP range to meet the patientss needs and expectations.
Are the injections painful?
The injections are done with specic Nano needles and are basically pain free. In the case of
patient’s high sensitivity an anaesthetic cream is applied before the procedure.
NOP’s and MO’s organ specic components eectively target problem areas due to its biological
nature. Nourish, repair and regenerate matched molecules within the skin, and revitalize it.
Based on the multinational clinical trial evaluating the ecacy of SPMCE, the following
observations were made: “Evaluators have observed improvements in skin radiance and skin
brightness in all volunteers. The parameters reecting the skin brightness has shown gradual
improvement since third week of the study. The spectrophotometric analysis has shown
signicant reduction of skin redness and pigmentations. Most dramatic changes in terms of
decreased wrinkle height and maximum wrinkle depth were observed in periorbital (“crows
feet”) and perioral areas. Total wrinkle height was decreased by 27.4% by the end of the
treatment protocol, 25.1% one month post-treatment and 21.5% - 3 months post-treatment.
The maximum wrinkle depth was decrease by 20.9% by the end of the treatment at 12th week,
by 17.8% - one month post-treatment, and 15.6% - 3 months post-treatment”
(Application of Cell Extracts from Skin, Placenta, Mesenchyme with Collagen and Elastin in Aesthetic Dermatology and Skin Revitalization:
Evaluation of Outcomes in Cohort Study. American Journal Adv Drug Deliv; 2016: 4(5); 69-77).
Before After 21 days*
After 2 weeks*After 1 week*Before
35-year female with keloid scar on chest (thermal burn with hot water)
Products used: NOP Skin and NOP Placenta
22-year female with burn scar on the face after an accident.
Products used: NOP Skin and NOP Placenta
Safety and comfort
Dramatic improvements of skin and incredible
restorative powers of NOP and MO SPMCE peptides are
best observed from ‘before and after photos.
Changes in skin collagen types I, III, and VII and newly synthesized collagen in the observed cohort
Outstanding quality for lasting eects
In majority of patients had improvements in skin hydration and elasticity that were observed
after rst month of treatment. During the second and third months further improvements were
less prominent, however the eects gained in the initial stages of treatment demonstrated
high stability and sustained even 3 months after the last mesotherapy session.
SPMCE mesotherapy formula is capable of providing a signicant restoration of extracellular
matrix and may dramatically improve skin elasticity.
As the main purpose of mesotherapy is revitalization and maintenance of youthful skin, it
is totally achievable with successful SPMCE formula that is able to enhance cell activity
and increase dermal cell turnover, as well as promote synthesis of collagen and elastin. The
conducted study suggests that SPMCE can achieve a physiological restoration of optimal
environment in the treated tissues.
Tried and Tested
For years, NOP is known for its amazing rejuvenative properties and has brought visible
transformation and condence to users worldwide. See the results of NOP’s skin restorative
powers in these before and after photos (copyright).
Before and after the course of mesotherapy
Products used: NOP Spmce
Before and after the course of mesotherapy
Products used: MO Spmce
Nano Organo Peptides
Mito Organelles
Due to higher concentration of peptides in the MF+ MO™ SPMCE
compared to NOP/EUF, as well as molecular weight of the peptides in
the MF+ MO™ being slightly higher than in EUF/Nano peptides, it is
recommended to use a smaller quantity of the product. The technique
of intradermal injection and the volume of the injected product
are essentially dierent from the ones using llers or other known
compositions containing vitamins or hyaluronic acid. Mesotherapy with
MF+ MO™ SPMCE is the mesotherapy-as-it-is: a little volume, a few
times, and in the right place.
Results of biomolecular facial revitalization with either Nano or Mito peptides can often be
noticed after second or third sessions, which is about 2 to 3 weeks after starting the treatment
depending on metabolism and body type of the patient.
Available clinical and histochemical data proves MF+ MO™ SPMCE capacity to promote
biosynthesis of new collagen and pep elastin bers. Even after the rst month of treatment
skin looks younger and more vibrant.
The main benets of the biomolecular products is its natural physiological mechanism of
action, which does not involve administration of the llers or foreign bodies into the tissues,
and long lasting natural biological revitalizing eect. Absence of allergic reactions in the
observed users supports safety of the MF+ peptides in the aesthetic practice.
Usually one vial is enough for the entire session of facial mesotherapy and the frequency
should not be more than ones per week. Tiny amounts of the product should be applied
proportionally in the areas of concern. If some swelling is noted after repeated sessions it is
advisable to continue treatment with EUF/NOP with the similar content.
How Should NOP and MO products be stored?
NOP products have a shelf- life of 6 years, if kept in a refrigerator at optimum temperature
between +2°C and +16 °C (not frozen) and fully protected from direct sunlight.
When kept in normal room temperature, NOP products have a shelf-life of 3 months.